Jean had a neat idea. Well, she has tons of neat ideas, but this one involves Annie's vocabulary lists. Jean suggested that I post Annie's list for the week, and let everyone use them in sentences. I love this's always easier to get the feel of new words when you see them used in a number of sentences.
We decided to turn it into a bit of a game. Each Monday, I'll post Annie's list for the week. You can write sentences using the words. Write just one sentence using one word. Or write eight sentences, each using a different word. Or anywhere in between. Thursday morning I will read Annie each of the sentences (so she doesn't know
who wrote them), and she will choose her favorite three. Each sentence she chooses will earn a point. Points will be collected throughout the entire quarter and the person with the most points at the end of the quarter will win a small prize. And then hopefully we'll start over next quarter.
And by the way, after she chooses, I will have her sit down and read the sentences herself so she can see them in print. She always has to write a little story using each of the words...perhaps I should then have her post that as well.
Anyway, a few tidbits about Annie...she loves animals, particularly wolves and ravens, as well as cats and dogs, she loves fantasy, she loves history. Mentions of these may improve your chances of her choosing a particular sentence. :)
Hope that all made sense. And here's this week's list:
*harp (focusing on the definition "to dwell on; to persist" not on the musical instrument)